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80 active trials for "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder"

Determining the Impact of Air Pollution on the Developing Brain

Background: Recent studies have linked exposure to airborne particulate matter (PM) to neurodevelopmental outcomes but the findings are mixed and mechanisms are unclear. We aim to determine the impact of PM on the developing brain of schoolchildren in Poland, a European country characterized by very high levels of air pollution. The investigators aim to determine the impact of PM on the developing brain of schoolchildren in Poland, a European country characterized by very high levels of air pollution. Study area: 19 towns in three voivodeships (Lesser Poland, Silesian, Opole) in the southern Poland. To reduce confounding by urbanicity and at the same time, to achieve sufficient contrasts in PM levels without too high logistic costs, towns were selected by size (big and small) and by PM levels (high, medium and low). Design: Case-control study with 800 children recruited over two school years, with two population controls per one ADHD case. Suspected cases will be recruited in specialized facilities and presumably ADHD-free children will be recruited in primary schools. Exposure assessment: Poland-wide PM and other air pollutants' grids will be created for the years 2006 to 2021 using statistical models to incorporate land use data, estimates from transport models, satellite observations and air pollution measurements from Polish monitoring network. Prenatal, early-life, lifelong and concurrent exposures will be calculated. Psychological testing: Every child and their parents will complete a series of psychological tests and interviews that will be conducted during their three visits to the recruitment facility. Neuroimaging: Each participant will undergo a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanning session that will be performed accordingly to the Human Connectome Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development project recommendations. Scanning will be performed on a single scanner in Krakow.

Start: October 2020
Acute Effects of Stimulant Medication in College Students With ADHD

The investigators will examine the acute effects of stimulant medication on executive functioning. The rationale for the proposed study is to examine the efficacy of stimulants for college students with ADHD and help prevent stimulant misuse among college students without ADHD. The working hypothesis is that stimulants, compared to baseline and placebo conditions, will improve executive functioning for college students with ADHD but not for college students without ADHD. Improvements on executive functioning measures (e.g., CPT-IP, Spatial Span) will be examined through 2 (ADHD vs. non-ADHD) x 3 (Baseline, Placebo, Stimulant) repeated measures ANOVAs. Follow-up analyses will include paired comparisons. Expected outcomes are to confirm these hypotheses and demonstrate the need for further study of stimulants. If confirmed, the results will provide pilot data for a larger NIH grant proposal aimed at further examining the acute effects of stimulants (i.e., improved cognitive functioning with stimulants) and comparing them to the acute effects of physical exercise (i.e., improved cognitive functioning immediately after exercise). The investigators expect this outcome to have an important positive impact because it can help support stimulant medication as an effective treatment for college students with ADHD (DuPaul et al., 2012). Additionally, demonstration that stimulants do not improve executive functioning for college students without ADHD can be used to help prevent and discourage stimulant misuse and diversion on college campuses (Hartung et al., 2013).

Start: February 2020
Acute Effects of Exercise in College Students With ADHD

The overall objective of this study is to examine physical exercise as an intervention for ADHD. The rationale for the proposed study is that physical exercise could serve as an effective treatment for college students with ADHD that has low costs, low risks, and ancillary health benefits and may address the limitations of existing treatments. The central hypothesis is that college students with ADHD will exhibit greater degrees of improvement in executive functioning (i.e., sustained attention, working memory) immediately following sprint interval training (SIT), relative to non-ADHD peers. This hypothesis was formulated based on preliminary studies demonstrating reduced ADHD symptoms and improved executive functioning following physical exercise. Multiple 2 (ADHD vs. control) x 2 (male vs. female) x 2 (exercise vs. none) repeated measures ANOVAs will be conducted to compare students with ADHD (n = 24) to controls (n = 24). The expected outcomes are to confirm this hypothesis and demonstrate the need for further study of physical exercise. If confirmed, the results will provide pilot data for a larger NIH grant proposal aimed at further examining the acute effects of physical exercise (i.e., improved cognitive functioning immediately following exercise) and also the chronic effects of physical exercise (i.e., improved functioning after engaging in regular exercise for an extended period). This outcome is expected to have an important positive impact because physical exercise may serve as an effective treatment for college students with ADHD that is less risky than stimulants, less time-consuming than therapy, and provides ancillary health benefits (i.e., increasing physical fitness, decreasing obesity).

Start: October 2018