MGMT-NET: O6-methylguanine-DNA Methyltransferase (MGMT) Status in Neuroendocrine Tumors: Predictive Factor of Response to Alkylating Agents
Neuroendocrine tumors (NET) are rare but their incidence is growing. Alkylating agents (ALKY) are one of the main systemic treatments used, at least for advanced duodeno-pancreatic NETs, with a response rate of 30 to 40% and a median progression-free survival of 4 to 18 months. Chemotherapy is one of the few therapeutic weapons, along with everolimus, somatostatin analogs, and metabolic radiotherapy, for lung NETs, called typical and atypical carcinoids, even if the level of proof of efficacy for these treatments is lower than for duodeno-pancreatic NETs. Considering the available retrospective data, O6-Methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) appears to be a predictive factor of the response to ALKY. Oxaliplatin (OX) has demonstrated an interesting activity, with response rates between 17% and 30%. In a first retrospective study we showed that Gemox is effective in NET, and more recently that its activity is similar to that of ALKYs, but without being influenced by the MGMT status. Prospective studies are needed but our data suggests that ALKY should be offered first to patients with methylated MGMT tumors while Oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy should be offered first to patients with unmethylated MGMT tumors. In this project, we wish to evaluate the contribution of the MGMT methylation, evaluated in the tumor, in predicting the Objective Response (OR) in patients treated with ALKY and to evaluate a treatment with alkylating agents versus Oxaliplatin in patients with a duodeno-pancreatic or lung or unknown primitive NET.
Start: October 2018