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3 active trials for Lip Cancer

Carboplatin, Nab-Paclitaxel, Durvalumab Before Surgery and Adjuvant Therapy in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Participants in this study have a type of cancer called squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). Their SCCHN has spread around the area where the cancer first started. This is called locally-advanced SCCHN. These participants are eligible for surgery. Previous research with a similar therapy regimen resulted in high rates of cancer shrinkage, high rates of avoiding radiation and its side effects, high cure rate and good quality of life. Radiation can be very toxic. The purpose on this study is to try to avoid radiation. If the participants are not on this study they would be receiving radiation as it is standard treatment of their cancer. In the last study with a similar regimen, about a third of cancers had a pathologic complete response with the first part of the study. This means that the chemotherapy had killed the cancer. The investigators are trying to improve the regimen further with a goal of increasing this rate of complete response to the first part of therapy. The investigators also hope that by improving results in the first part, that more people will be cured and that long term quality of life (especially speech and swallowing) will be improved, both compared to standard therapies and to the last study. Doctors do not know how this therapy will effect the participants. There is no guarantee that this study will benefit the participants. The prior study used a combination of chemotherapy consisting of carboplatin, paclitaxel and a third targeted anti-cancer drug. In this study the investigators are testing the combination of carboplatin, nano-albumin bound paclitaxel and durvalumab. Nano-albumin bound paclitaxel has been shown to be more active against other types of squamous cancers than regular paclitaxel. It is FDA approved for squamous lung cancer, but experimental for head and neck cancer. Durvalumab is an experimental drug that uses the body's own immune system to fight the cancer. Doctors hope that combining Durvalumab with 2 chemotherapy drugs will be effective in treating SCCHN. Durvalumab on its own has been studied in patients with SCCHN and initial results have shown that some subjects' cancer has responded to it. The purpose of this study is to test a combination of chemotherapy to hopefully both increase the number of subjects that respond to therapy while also decreasing the number of side effects that subjects experience.

Start: December 2017