Integrative Neuromuscular Training in Adolescents and Children Treated for Cancer
The INTERACT study is a nation-wide, population-based randomized controlled trial to investigate the effects of 6-month integrative neuromuscular training during anti-cancer treatment on lower body muscle strength, metabolic syndrome, various measures of physical function, physical activity, days of hospitalization, health-related quality of life and health behavior in children and adolescents with cancer. The increased insight derived from this study will impact the development of pediatric exercise oncology and be of high relevance to a broad group of children and adolescents with severe chronic illness. The study is based on the overarching hypothesis, that structured integrative neuromuscular training initiated immediately after diagnosis will be effective in preventing deficits in neuromuscular function, limit long-term cardio-metabolic morbidity and found long-standing improvements in physical activity behavior. To maintain adherence and motivation throughout a 6-month training intervention, weekly supervision of the training is needed. For this study, it is hypothesized that a supervised exercise intervention, in addition to a motivational counseling intervention and usual care, will improve muscle strength compared with unsupervised home-based training (active controls).
Start: January 2021