
Recruitment Status
Estimated Enrollment
Same as current


Endothelial Dysfunction
Observational Model: CohortTime Perspective: Prospective

Participation Requirements

Between 35 years and 70 years
Both males and females


General study objective To evaluate EMP as a simple diagnostic tool in assessing endothelial function in hypercholesterolaemic patients. Specific objectives: To compare the levels of EMP ( Cluster of differentiation (CD)144, CD62e and CD31+/42-) in hypercholesterolaemics before and after statin. To ...

General study objective To evaluate EMP as a simple diagnostic tool in assessing endothelial function in hypercholesterolaemic patients. Specific objectives: To compare the levels of EMP ( Cluster of differentiation (CD)144, CD62e and CD31+/42-) in hypercholesterolaemics before and after statin. To correlate the levels of EMP with the assessment of endothelial function using pulse wave analysis (PWA) in hypercholesterolaemics before and after statin. Research design It is a clinical cohort study involving newly diagnosed hypercholesterolemic patients before and after intervention with statin. Sampling method and subject recruitment Consecutive sampling of sampling frame will be applied due to limited number of sample who could fulfill the criteria within the planned data collection period. Data collection method Screening Before acceptance into the study, all potential subjects will undergo a screening procedure. A signed written informed consent will be obtained from the subjects before screening procedure is performed. The screening procedure will include detailed history taking on medical history, physical examination and 5 ml venous blood sampling for fasting lipid profile (FLP) from the antecubital vein. Clinical study session Once the FLP results are obtained, appointment to attend the clinical study sessions will be arranged with the eligible subjects who fulfil the criteria. Newly diagnosed hypercholesterolaemia patients recruited will undergo clinical study. First visit The first visit will involve blood taking for baseline values, assessment with SphygmoCor and consultation by the treating physician. During the first visit, 10 ml of venous blood will be withdrawn from the antecubital vein followed by the assessment of endothelial function, augmentation index (AI) and central arterial pressure (CAP) using SphygmoCor. Venous blood is needed for baseline full blood count (FBC), renal function test (RFT), liver function test (LFT), fasting blood sugar (FBS), high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and EMP. Assessment of endothelial function, AI and CAP using SphygmoCor . Physician consultation During the first visit, all patients will be seen by the treating physician (a Family Medicine Specialist) at the outpatient clinic (KRK) and advised for therapeutic life style changes (TLC) as recommended by the Malaysian Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) for Hyperlipidaemia (2011). Patients will be on TLC for a minimum duration of 6 weeks before the next visit. Second visit The second visit will only involve blood taking for FLP (5 ml blood) after at least 6 weeks duration of TLC. Third visit Once the FLP results are obtained (in approximately a week), patients will then be seen by the treating physician in the clinic. Patients who do not achieve the targeted LDL level after TLC and indicated for treatment will be prescribed with statin by the attending physician. Patients who achieve the targeted LDL level after TLC will continue TLC and will be excluded from the study Fourth visit The fourth visit will be arranged with the patients 3 months later. 10 ml of blood will be withdrawn for EMP quantification, FLP, hs-CRP and LFT. This will be followed by the assessments of endothelial function, AI and CAP as explained above. Fourth visit marks the end of the Study 2. Thereafter, patients will continue their treatment at the KRK. The study duration for each subject will be approximately 5 months. Patients that miss follow-up or not compliant to the medication prescribed will be excluded from the study analysis. However, this will not compromise the treatment received by patients as they will continue to be treated in KRK.

Tracking Information

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Principal Investigator: NIk Ibrahim Universiti Sains Malaysia