
Recruitment Status
Not yet recruiting
Estimated Enrollment
Same as current


  • Cancer of Esophagus
  • Esophagogastric Junction Disorder
Observational Model: CohortTime Perspective: Prospective

Participation Requirements

Between 18 years and 125 years
Both males and females


This is an exploratory observational biomarker study. Around 20 mL of blood will be collected from a peripheral vein and additional 40 mL from tumor draining veins. In addition, around 5 mL of lymphatic fluid will be collected from the thoracic duct, when exposed and opened during the surgical resec...

This is an exploratory observational biomarker study. Around 20 mL of blood will be collected from a peripheral vein and additional 40 mL from tumor draining veins. In addition, around 5 mL of lymphatic fluid will be collected from the thoracic duct, when exposed and opened during the surgical resection. Annual blood draws (20 mL) will be performed during routine clinical follow-up or at the time point when the patients develops a (metastatic) relapse. A one tube protocol will be performed from each blood sample to assess CTCs and tumor derived extracellular Vesicles (tdEVs) using CELLSEARCH® and ACCEPT ( In addition, tumor cells will be enumerated by CELLSEARCH® in the lymphatic fluid. ctDNA will be extracted from plasma of each blood collection tube and analyzed by mFAST-SeqS. If the mutational status of the primary tumor is known, deep sequencing of ctDNA will be applied for mutation tracking at a later time point. Tissue resected during the surgical procedure and not required for routine pathology will be collected into a biobank (cry-conserved and formalin fixed and paraffin embedded (FFPE).

Tracking Information

University Hospital of Cologne
Principal Investigator: Nikolas Stoecklein, MD Surgery, University Hospital Düsseldorf Germany Principal Investigator: Christiane Bruns, MD Surgery, University Hospital Cologne