
Recruitment Status
Estimated Enrollment


Not Applicable
Allocation: RandomizedIntervention Model: Parallel AssignmentMasking: None (Open Label)Primary Purpose: Prevention

Participation Requirements

Between 18 years and 125 years
Both males and females


People living with HIV (PLWH) have a critical role to play in HIV prevention, not only in the context of Prevention for Positives and Treatment as Prevention, but as powerful change agents for HIV protective behaviors among others. Our research suggests that as PLWH receive HIV treatment and restore...

People living with HIV (PLWH) have a critical role to play in HIV prevention, not only in the context of Prevention for Positives and Treatment as Prevention, but as powerful change agents for HIV protective behaviors among others. Our research suggests that as PLWH receive HIV treatment and restore their health and functioning, many are motivated to protect their loved ones and engage in prevention advocacy (i.e., to encourage friends and family to seek HIV testing and treatment, and to reduce risk behavior); however, the quality of this advocacy is hampered by challenges related to message content, style and timing of delivery, and selection of advocacy recipients. With effective advocacy training, mobilizing PLWH to be change agents within their social networks has the potential to be a "game changer" for HIV prevention, particularly in high prevalence settings such as Uganda, where virtually every family is touched by someone living with HIV. Drawing upon theoretical frameworks for network-based interventions, such as theories of social diffusion, cognitive consistency, and social influence, the proposed study will develop and pilot test "Game Changers"-- an intervention that aims to empower and mobilize PLWH to be agents for HIV prevention and behavioral change in their social networks. In Phase 1, separate focus groups of PLWH and members of their social networks (family and friends) were conducted to explore barriers to and facilitators of mobilizing clients to advocate for HIV prevention, perceptions on how advocacy could be most effective in motivating behavior change, and how to best structure the intervention and its content. In Phase 2 findings from Phase 1 and network-based intervention models were used to develop the structure and content of an intervention designed to help clients cope with stigma, manage their disease, live positively, and develop motivation and skills for HIV disclosure and prevention advocacy. In Phase 3 a pilot group intervention will be conducted in a controlled trial of 96 clients, with 48 randomly assigned to receive the intervention and 48 to the wait-list control. Assessments will be administered to all participants at baseline, 5 months later, and again 8 months after baseline, after which the control group will receive the intervention (but not the interviews). PLWH interviews and social network assessments will examine intervention effects on protective behaviors of the participant (condom use, HIV treatment adherence), and diffusion of prevention messages across the network, as assessed by the content and extent of communication with network members about protective behaviors (condom use, partner concurrency/number of partners, HIV testing, engagement in HIV care, circumcision), HIV disclosure, and HIV stigma. At the end of the intervention period a focus group with program participants will be conducted to get feedback on the intervention. To help understand how participation in the program might affect health, date of HIV diagnosis, last two CD4 counts and HIV viral loads, and prescribed HIV medications will be obtained from PLWH participant medical charts. Participants (about 15/arm) will be asked to recruit up to 3 alters each, who know the participant's serostatus, to be interviewed to assess their HIV protective behaviors (e.g., condom use) and receipt of prevention advocacy from the intervention participant.

Tracking Information

Infectious Diseases Institute, Uganda
Principal Investigator: Laura Bogart, PhD RAND