
Recruitment Status
Estimated Enrollment
Same as current


  • ALL
  • Breast Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Lung Cancer
  • Melanoma
  • Prostate Cancer
Not Applicable
Allocation: Non-RandomizedIntervention Model: Parallel AssignmentMasking: None (Open Label)Primary Purpose: Supportive Care

Participation Requirements

Between 18 years and 125 years
Both males and females


For each hospital, an individual care pathway will be developed following the 7-phase model by Vanhaecht et al., 2011. This methodology aims to offer a systematic approach in 7 phases for the support of an interdisciplinary team in the development of new care pathways or in the improvement of existi...

For each hospital, an individual care pathway will be developed following the 7-phase model by Vanhaecht et al., 2011. This methodology aims to offer a systematic approach in 7 phases for the support of an interdisciplinary team in the development of new care pathways or in the improvement of existing ones. The before-part of the study includes phases 1 to 4 that aim to map current practice in detail and to translate these findings into the development of a care pathway. Current practice will be investigated using mixed methods comprising: surveys evaluating care on the level of the hospital semi-structured interviews with healthcare professionals (HCP) and patients outcome assessments in patients included in the study (self-management, adherence, satisfaction with care, satisfaction with information, quality of life) using validated questionnaires at the start of the therapy, after 1 month and after three months outcome assessments in healthcare professionals at baseline (self-efficacy and perceptions on self-management) using validated questionnaires training and feedback sessions on counseling for HCPs Based upon these findings, a care pathway in each hospital will be developed by a local project team of different stakeholders from different disciplines. The after-part of the study includes phase 5-7 in which the care pathway is implemented, evaluated and continuously followed up. Implementation and evaluation take place at the same time. The evaluation includes: outcome assessments in patients (newly recruited) at the start of the therapy, after 1 month and after three months outcome assessments in HCPs (follow up) evaluation of counseling skills focus group discussions and interviews with HCPs to evaluate the development and implementation of the care pathway. At the end of the study a comparison of outcomes before and after the implementation will be made to study the impact of the care pathway on the before mentioned aspects (see "Brief Summary").

Tracking Information

Not Provided
Not Provided