
Recruitment Status
Unknown status

Inclusion Criteria

Age > 18 years
Clinical indication for myocardial perfusion imaging
Age > 18 years
Clinical indication for myocardial perfusion imaging

Exclusion Criteria

Breast feeding women
Severe comorbidity with life expectancy 6 months
Breast feeding women
Severe comorbidity with life expectancy 6 months
Left bundle branch block on ECG making heteogeneity analysis impossible
Patient not resident in the Rhône-Alpes region


  • Coronary (Artery) Disease
  • Coronary Atherosclerosis
  • Coronary Artery Disease
  • Allocation: N/A
  • Intervention Model: Single Group Assignment
  • Masking: None (Open Label)
  • Primary Purpose: Diagnostic

Participation Requirements

Between 18 years and 125 years
Both males and females


SPECT imaging protocol and analysis Stress tests and SPECTs are performed according to the routine protocols in use in our center. Briefly, at peak stress, patients were injected with thallium-201. Five to 10 minutes after stress, a 5-minutes supine acquisition was performed followed by a 5-minutes ...

SPECT imaging protocol and analysis Stress tests and SPECTs are performed according to the routine protocols in use in our center. Briefly, at peak stress, patients were injected with thallium-201. Five to 10 minutes after stress, a 5-minutes supine acquisition was performed followed by a 5-minutes prone acquisition. Subsequently, technetium-99m-sestamibi was injected, and 2 minutes later a single 5-minutes rest acquisition was performed. During stress acquisition, patients were imaged in supine and prone positions with their arms positioned over their head. The rest acquisition was only acquired in supine position. The gated SPECT studies were performed at each acquisition. Injected activity (IA) was adjusted for patient weight. For weights of <80 kg/ 80-100 kg/>100 kg, thallium-201 IAs were 74/92/111 MBq and technetium-99m-sestamibi IAs were 300/370/450 MBq, respectively. A uniform imaging pre-treatment for the reconstruction of raw myocardial perfusion imaging data was applied, and images were reconstructed and reoriented to obtain transaxial sections of the left ventricle according to the three standard cardiac planes. In this study, we use a new mathematic technique from entropy analysis to provide precise, objective, automated quantification of perfusion heterogeneity at stress with camera SPECT. This method may be a non-invasive imaging to assess coronary microvascular dysfunction. Air pollution exposure (particule matters and gaz) is estimated by SIRANE dispersion models validated by Air Rhône-Alpes, our regional agency tasked with protecting and managing the ambient air quality. The dispersion models are used to estimate the downwind ambient concentration of air pollutants or toxins emitted from sources such as industrial plants, vehicular traffic or accidental chemical releases. Air pollution is estimated for each patient thanks to their postal private and professional adresses for different windows of exposure : short term windows (2hours to 7 days before the MP-SPECT and cardiovascular events). long term windows (1 - 5 years before the MP-SPECT and before cardiovascular events)

Inclusion Criteria

Age > 18 years
Clinical indication for myocardial perfusion imaging
Age > 18 years
Clinical indication for myocardial perfusion imaging

Exclusion Criteria

Breast feeding women
Severe comorbidity with life expectancy 6 months
Breast feeding women
Severe comorbidity with life expectancy 6 months
Left bundle branch block on ECG making heteogeneity analysis impossible
Patient not resident in the Rhône-Alpes region

Tracking Information

Not Provided
  • Principal Investigator: Gerald Vanzetto, MD, PhD University Hospital, Grenoble
  • Gerald Vanzetto, MD, PhD University Hospital, Grenoble