Swiss Paediatric Airway Cohort
The Swiss Paediatric Airway Cohort (SPAC) is a national, prospective clinical cohort of children and adolescents who visit physicians in Switzerland for recurrent wheeze, cough, and exercise- or sleep-related respiratory problems. SPAC aims to answer important questions on clinical phenotypes, prognosis, diagnosis and treatment. SPAC is part of routine care, and only clinically indicated investigations are done. The comprehensive baseline assessment includes a detailed questionnaire to families, plus test results, diagnoses and treatments from hospital records. Follow-up is via annual questionnaires to families, monthly mobile phone symptom scores, and data from follow-up visits. Currently, 350 patients from four major hospitals (Bern, Zurich, Basel and Lucerne) have been enrolled, but other clinics and practices will join and the investigators aim for at least 3000 patients. SPAC will provide real-life data on children visiting the Swiss health care system for common respiratory problems. It will provide a research platform for health services research, and for nested clinical and transitional studies.
Start: June 2017