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97 active trials for Trauma

Improving Family-Centered Pediatric Trauma Care: The Standard of Care Versus the Virtual Pediatric Trauma Center

More than 41 million children, or 55 percent of all children in the United States, live more than 30 minutes away from a pediatric trauma center. The management of pediatric trauma requires medical expertise that is only available at Level I pediatric trauma centers, which are specialized pediatric referral hospitals located in large urban cities. Smaller hospitals lack pediatric trauma expertise and resources to properly care for these children. When a small hospital receives a child with trauma, the standard of care is to conduct a telephone consultation to a pediatric trauma specialist, err on the side of safety, and transfer the child to the regional Level I pediatric trauma center. A newer model of care, the Virtual Pediatric Trauma Center (VPTC), uses live video, or telemedicine, to bring the expertise of a Level I pediatric trauma center virtually to patients at any hospital emergency department. While the VPTC model is being used more frequently, the advantages and disadvantages of these two systems of care remain unknown, particularly with regard to parent/family-centered outcomes. The goal of this study is to optimize the patient and family experience and to minimize distress, healthcare utilization, and out-of-pocket costs following the injury of a child. The results of this project will help to optimize communication, confidence, and shared decision making between parents/families and clinical staff from both the transferring and receiving hospitals.

Start: November 2020
Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Intra-wound Vancomycin Powder in High Risk Patients

Surgical site infections (SSI) are not uncommon, especially in specific high-risk groups including spinal deformity and tumor (i.e. metastatic spine surgery) surgery. Well-recognized measures have been adopted to reduce surgical site infection, and the use of topical vancomycin powder has gained popularity in recent years. Given the lack of high-quality evidence for the use of topical vancomycin to reduce surgical site infections in open posterior spine surgery, which is currently the most common approach to spine surgery, it is crucial to study the use of vancomycin powder in reducing surgical site infections. This study is a prospective, single-blinded open label randomized controlled trial, with one arm of patients having local administration of 1g vancomycin powder which will be placed in the deep wound and subcutaneous layer prior to closure of surgical site by the orthopaedic surgeon, whereas the control arm will be without such application of vancomycin. Both arms of patients will still be undergoing the same operation procedures, as well as postoperative local wound drainage and wound care. This study will provide insights on the reduction rate in superficial and/or deep surgical site infection, and also assess the cost-effectiveness of using topical vancomycin in reducing surgical site infection between different disease groups, as well as any postoperative serum vancomycin toxicity and renal impairment. These proposed findings will provide valuable information for clinicians and institutions on future measures for surgical site infection of open posterior spine surgery.

Start: August 2020