Health Outcomes by Neighborhood - Baltimore
Background: - Researchers have been studying patterns of mood and drug use in specific neighborhoods. This study will look at environmental factors that may affect drug use, addiction, and treatment seeking in Baltimore neighborhoods. The results could inform prevention efforts, enhance treatment interventions, and improve substance use outcomes. Objectives: - To better understand why some people start to use drugs, why some people who use drugs become addicted, and why some people who become addicted enter treatment. Eligibility: - Individuals at least 18 years of age who are living in the neighborhoods participating in the study. Design: Participants will be screened with a physical exam and medical history. They will be separated into one of four groups: (1) people who do not use drugs, (2) people who have used drugs in the past, (3) people who are using drugs and want treatment, and (4) people who are using drugs and do not want treatment. This study will include two outpatient visits about 12 months apart. Each visit will last about 5 hours. Each study visit may be done in 1 day or in 2 days. At each study visit, participants will provide blood, breath, urine, and saliva samples. They will also have a heart function test and body measurements. They will complete questionnaires about personal and family history. There will be monthly follow-up phone calls between the two visits.
Start: July 2012