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356 active trials for Rheumatoid Arthritis

EMPOWER-1: A Multi-site Clinical Cohort Research Study to Reduce Health Inequality

Health inequality and genetic disparity are a significant issue in the United Kingdom (UK). This study focuses on diseases that are associated with significant morbidity and mortality in the UK, and specifically examines the extent and basis of treatment failure in different patient populations. The vast majority of drug registration clinical trials have under-representation of ethnic minority populations. In addition, the wider Caucasian populations have reasonably different clinical characteristics to the population that participated in the drug licencing clinical trials. A consequence of this is that drugs are licensed for use in real-world general patient populations where the clinical trial results are simply not statistically significant to specifically demonstrate efficacy or safety in populations that were either absent or under-represented in the drug registration clinical trials. When these facts are considered alongside data that supports significant under-reporting of adverse events in the real-world setting within the UK (and globally, e.g the USA and Europe), it highlights that pharmacovigilance systems are unable to capture drug effectiveness and safety data in a manner that can reasonably assure appropriate prescribing in the wider patient populations. This large real-world research study aims to identify whether commonly prescribed drugs are effective in treating illnesses that cause significant poor health and death in the different patient populations that represent the UK. The goal of this study is to generate large quantitative data-sets that may inform clinical practice to reduce the existing health inequality and genetic disparity in the UK.

Start: February 2020
Effects of Abatacept on Myocarditis in Rheumatoid Arthritis

This study aims to evaluate the effects of abatacept, a CTLA4-Ig fusion protein that binds CD80/86 (B7-1/B7-2), on subclinical myocarditis in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) through its effect on T cell subpopulations. RA patients without clinical CVD, biologic naïve, and with inadequate response to methotrexate (MTX), will undergo cardiac FDG PET/CT imaging to assess myocardial inflammation. Studies that investigate the impact of treatment on subclinical myocarditis in RA, a possible contributor to heart failure, while exploring potential underlying mechanisms (i.e., different T cell subpopulations), are needed for a better understanding of their relevance in the pathogenesis of heart failure in RA and survival improvement in these patients with excess risk for cardiovascular death. If the investigator hypothesis is confirmed and treatment with abatacept decreases and/or suppresses or prevents myocardial inflammation in RA, this will have multidisciplinary implications that could lead to changes in the current management of RA patients at high risk for cardiovascular events. Similarly, identification of T cell subpopulations in RA patients with myocardial FDG uptake will shed light into the underlying cellular mechanisms of myocardial injury and serve to guide the use of therapies that prevent their pathogenicity. The objectives of this study are to compare the change in myocardial FDG uptake in RA patients treated with abatacept vs adalimumab, and identify T cell subpopulations associated with myocardial FDG uptake in each treatment arm. RA patients will be randomized in an unblinded, 1:1 ratio to treatment with abatacept vs adalimumab. A cardiac FDG PET/CT will be performed at baseline and 16 weeks post-biologic treatment. T cell subpopulations associated with myocardial FDG uptake will be evaluated at both points in time with their transcriptional phenotype outlined by RNAseq.

Start: July 2019
A Physiotherapist Led Intervention to Promote Physical Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis - a Pilot Study

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a chronic, inflammatory condition with increased mortality from cardiovascular disease, is associated with high health care related costs and decreased productivity. Currently, nonpharmacological management guidelines recommend increasing low levels of physical activity in this group to improve health including cardiovascular health, yet research has shown that people who have RA have reduced levels of PA. Interventions targeting PA behaviour in this population have had limited effect to date due to lack of patient involvement in designing the intervention, poor measurement of PA, lack of behaviour change theory underpinning the intervention and have tended to include people who already have some level of PA. Work to underpin a robust intervention to improve PA in this group has been undertaken by members of this study group including validation of an objective measure PA in RA and interviews with people who have RA and rheumatology health professionals to aid in designing an intervention to promote PA. The aim of this pilot randomised controlled trial (RCT) is to examine the feasibility of a physiotherapist led, behaviour change theory informed, PA intervention to promote PA in people who have RA who have low levels of current PA. This pilot study will determine the rate of recruitment to the study and also determine the acceptability of the intervention to the participants as well as test the feasibility of the secondary disease/PA focused outcome measures. Participants will be recruited from rheumatology clinics in a large teaching hospital. Participants meeting inclusion criteria will be randomised into a six week PA intervention (four sessions delivered over an eight week period by a trained physiotherapist) or a control group (PA information leaflet). This pilot randomised study will provide valuable information for the scaling up of a primary care based intervention for this important patient group and in doing so provide an achievable, pragmatic intervention for busy clinicians, who need feasible interventions to appropriately manage complex chronic conditions like RA in a busy primary care setting.

Start: October 2019
Stopping TNF Alpha Inhibitors in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is often treated with drugs known as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors, that can help decrease joint pain and swelling and can even result in RA remission. However, TNF inhibitors may increase risk of serious infections or some types of cancer. It is not clear if people whose RA has been in remission for a long time need to stay on the TNF inhibitor to remain in remission. If they can stop taking the TNF inhibitor without having their symptoms come back, they will be spared the side effects of these medicines. Some studies have shown that people can stay in remission after stopping a TNF inhibitor, but other studies have not confirmed it. Researchers want to see if people with RA in remission on a TNF inhibitor can stay in remission without this medicine. Also there may be a clinical, imaging (MRI, ultrasound), laboratory profile that will help to determine which patients remain in remission after stopping these drugs. Objectives: To see whether RA remission can continue after discontinuing use of a TNF inhibitor. To determine if clinical, imaging and immunological measurements can predict which participants will flare and which will remain in remission after discontinuing TNF inhibitor. Eligibility: -Individuals at least 18 years of age who have RA that is being controlled with TNF inhibitors. We plan to randomize 291 patients. Design: The study has seven visits over about 2 years. Six visits occur in the first year of the study, about 12 weeks apart. The final study visit is 1 year after the end of the treatment phase. At the first visit, participants will be screened with a physical exam and medical history. They will complete a questionnaire about their RA symptoms. A blood sample will be collected. They will continue to take their RA medicines during this time. The second visit will repeat tests from the first visit. These tests will confirm that the RA is in remission. Imaging studies will be performed on the hands, wrists, feet, and their connected joints. After this visit, participants will stop taking their TNF inhibitors and will start to have injections of a study drug. This drug will be either the participant's original TNF inhibitor or a placebo. There will be follow-up visits at weeks 12, 24, and 36. Participants will have a medical history and joint exam. They will also provide blood samples and answer questions about their RA symptoms. At the sixth visit (week 48), participants will repeat the tests and imaging studies from the second visit. They will stop taking the study injections. Continued RA treatment after this visit will be decided by the participant and his or her rheumatologist. Participants may take any recommended medicine, including the TNF inhibitor they had been taking before the study. They will also receive a questionnaire to complete at home and mail back before the final study visit. At the final visit (week 100), participants will repeat the tests and imaging studies from the second and sixth visits.

Start: January 2013