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63 active trials for Psychosis

Walking for Health: an Intervention to Increase Physical Activity and Reduce Sedentary Behaviour in People With SMI

People who have a severe mental illness can have poorer physical health and higher mortality rates than the general population. Their medications combined with low levels of physical activity and increased sedentary behaviour can general population and may help people with severe mental illness to be more active. A previous feasibility study has been conducted in the UK in a large city with positive findings. The current study will be conducted in rural settings in Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland. The intervention will last 13 weeks. People with Severe Mental Illness will be randomly assigned into one of two groups. Both groups will get information on the benefits of physical activity. In addition, one group will be shown how to use a step counter to measure their steps, be invited to a weekly group walk, and meet their coach every 2 weeks contribute to this. Walking is a good way to increase physical activity in the to see how they are getting on and to support them. The research team are interested in finding out how willing clinicians are to recruit people into the study, how willing people are to take part, do people then stick with the programme, and if not the reasons for people dropping out. Qualitative findings will explore whether participants feel they benefited from and enjoyed the programme. Findings will be used to investigate the feasibility to conduct a larger trial like this in the future.

Start: August 2019
The Effect of Psycho-education on Clinical Outcomes Among Patients With a First Episode Psychosis in Central Uganda

Background: Psychotic disorders which the investigators have operationally defined as any of schizophrenia or schizophrenia spectrum disorder, brief psychotic episode, or bipolar affective disorders are severe forms of mental illness that contribute to significant morbidity and mortality primarily due to high rates of relapse. Delivering psycho-education messages about disease etiology, their signs and symptoms, as well as the benefits of adhering to treatment have been shown to reduce relapse among individuals with psychoses in high income countries. However, little has been done to examine the efficacy of this intervention in low resourced settings like Uganda. Objective: The study objective is to examine the efficacy of psycho-education on symptom severity, stigma and retention in care. Methods: The Investigators will recruit 80 adult patients (aged ?18 years) who have been diagnosed with a First Episode Psychosis (FEP) and received antipsychotic medication at Butabika Hospital. Participants should be ready for discharge and reside within a 21km radius from Kampala city. The investigators will use a simple random technique to randomize the 80 participants to either receive 6 sessions of psycho-education from village health team members (VHTs) with a family member (n=40) or routine care (n=40). The investigators will collect symptom severity, stigma and retention in care data over 24 weeks. Data analysis plans: The investigators will conduct an intention to treat analysis and compare the groups at baseline, weeks 4, 12 and 24. We will assess the effects of the intervention on symptom severity. The investigators will assess for potential confounders, mediators and effect modifiers using generalized linear estimates. Between-subject analysis at week 24 will be used to assess if there is a significant difference in the mean severity scores between the 2 arms. Conclusion: Findings from this research will throw more light with regards to the preliminary efficacy of the use of psycho-education for individuals with psychosis.

Start: January 2021
Contrasting Group Therapy Methods for Psychosis

Current Canadian Clinical Practice guidelines emphasize the need for effective psychosocial adjuncts to pharmacotherapy for schizophrenia (Canadian Psychiatric Association 2005). This randomized control trial seeks to contribute to the body of evidence supporting psychosocial treatments by assessing the effectiveness of metacognitive training (MCT) and cognitive remediation (CR) at treating the persistent positive and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. MCT is a therapy designed to improve patient awareness and insight into the cognitive biases that are frequently seen in schizophrenia; it has been associated with decreased psychopathology (specifically decreased positive symptoms) and improved psychosocial function. CR is a therapy designed to improve performance in a variety of neurocognitive functions such as attention, memory, and executive functioning; it has been associated with improved cognitive and psychosocial functioning. Both MCT and CR will be compared to treatment as usual (TAU) as done previously (Kumar er al., 2010; Moritz et al., 2011). Hypotheses: MCT will produce greater change in delusions (severity and conviction) than CR and TAU. CR and MCT will produce greater change in social/everyday functioning than TAU. CR will produce greater improvement in basic attention and memory measures relative to MCT and TAU. MCT will produce greater reduction on tasks measuring targeted reasoning biases relative to CR and TAU. CR will increase efficiency of functional networks on a working memory task relative to MCT and TAU. MCT will lead to a greater decrease in the neural response to evidence matches relative to CR and TAU.

Start: January 2013