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31 active trials for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting

The Effects of Korean Hand Acupressure on Postoperative Nausea-Vomiting and Retching After Thyroidectomy

The study was planned as a randomized controlled experimental study to determine the effect of Korean hand acupressure applied after thyroidectomy on postoperative nausea-vomiting and retching. After the approval of the ethics committee and institutional permission, 42 patients who applied to the general surgery clinic for thyroidectomy between 1 September 2020 and 1 September 2021 and met the inclusion criteria will be included in the study. Within the scope of the planned study, the sample size in the light of the reported academic studies was determined as effect size d = 0.942 (effect size), ? = 0.05 (margin of error), 1-? = 0.90 (Power) and by using the G-power package program with the specified criteria. It was decided to recruit 42 people (21 people per group). Block randomization method will be used to determine the experimental and control groups. In order for the groups to be distributed homogeneously, the order produced by a computer program (https://www.randomizer.org/) will be used. Randomization will be done by a biostatistician outside the researcher. Patients who meet the inclusion criteria and agree to participate in the study will be assigned to the experimental and control groups according to the randomization list. Before the operation, the patient will be visited and information will be given about the purpose, content and intervention to be applied. After obtaining verbal and written consent from the patients who accepted to participate in the study, the "Individual Characteristics Form" will be filled. The first part of the "Patient Follow-up Form" will be filled in for the experimental and control groups on the day of surgery. Korean hand acupressure will be applied to the experimental group 30 minutes before the induction of anesthesia. After determining the pressure / therapy points associated with nausea and vomiting on the patient's hand, a massage will be made for 3-5 minutes with a diagnostic stick. Then the seeds will be fixed at these points with a paper patch. Seeds will not be removed for 24 hours. It will be massaged for 3-5 minutes by pressing the seeds every 3-4 hours and making a curling motion at the same time. At the end of the 24th hour, the application will be terminated. The application will be applied by researcher Sevgi Gür, who has been trained on Korean hand acupressure. In the control group, no application will be made during and after the surgical intervention, and routine treatment and care will be applied. After admission to the clinic of the patients in the experimental and control groups, the severity of pain, nausea and vomiting, the number of nausea-vomiting and retching at the 2nd, 6th, 12th and 24th hours, the name, dose, frequency and time of the antiemetic drugs used were determined by the researcher. Will be recorded in the second part of the "Form". At the end of the 24th hour, Rhodes Nausea Vomiting and Retching Index score will be evaluated by the researcher.

Start: September 2020