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132 active trials for Parkinson's Disease

Exploration of Differences in Metabolite Concentrations by 7Teslas NMR Spectroscopy in Striatum and Subthalamic Nuclei in de Novo Parkinsonian Patients and Control Subjects

Initially, the exploration of brain metabolism by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) of the high magnetic field proton (1H) (11.7T) applied to acute and chronic animal models of Parkinson's disease (PD) showed glutamatergic hyperactivity within the striatum, one of the components of the basal ganglia. Interestingly, acute administration of L-dopa and acute, subchronic and chronic deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) normalizes these neurochemical profiles. Investigators also show an increase in glutamate levels in the STN ipsilateral to the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) damaged by the neurotoxin, expected phenomenon, but also and surprisingly in the STN controlateral to the lesion. A degeneration of dopaminergic neurons is also observed in the controlateral SNpc at the lesion suggesting that the hyperglutamatergy of the controlateral STN to the lesion could promote neuronal death in the SNpc and thus participate in the progression and lateralization of the PD. Using 3T MRS in PD patients, as in other studies in humans, investigators do not see changes in glutamate and glutamine levels in the putamen of Parkinsonian patients. This difference between animal and human studies can be explained: by the different rate of progression between PD in humans and animal models with plasticity phenomena limiting glutamatergic hyperactivity, by the effect of treatment in PD masking changes in glutamate metabolism, by limiting sensitivity in the detection of metabolites (Glutamate, glutamine, GABA) at 3T. The 7T 1H MRS improves the dispersion of chemical shifts of the metabolites studied, increases the sensitivity of the measurement, makes it possible to select regions of interest of smaller volumes (1 cm3) and thus limits the magnetic susceptibility effects that degrade the quality of the measured signal. This makes it possible to reliably separate glutamate and glutamine peaks. In this context, investigators propose to study the metabolic changes in a homogeneous group of de novo Parkinsonian patients, naive to any treatment intended to replace the missing dopamine. The gain in spatial resolution, contrast and signal will allow better characterization of localized anomalies in small-volume structures such as basal ganglia, putamen and STN.

Start: May 2021
DBS Electrode Switching Patterns for Treatment of Parkinson's Disease

This is an open-label, non-randomized, proof-of-concept comparison of clinical vs. research stimulation patterns in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) being treated with Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) through the Medtronic Percept PC DBS device. We hypothesize that stimulation patterns designed to better target excessive synchrony in a patient-tailored manner may result in more efficient and effective therapy with fewer side effects. Medtronic 3rd-generation sensing implantable neural stimulator, Percept PC, is FDA-approved for treating PD. The Percept PC device features BrainSense, the first and only available sensing technology for deep brain stimulation. BrainSense technology allows the device to capture and record brain signals (local field potentials, or LFP) using the brain-implanted DBS lead, while simultaneously delivering therapeutic stimulation. Investigators plan to enroll and complete investigations in 15 study subjects total, who have been previously implanted with the Medtronic Percept PC for the treatment of PD, and who are optimized for clinical stimulation and anti-Parkinsons medication. Investigations will be performed in UNMC Movement Disorders Clinic, UNMC Neurosurgery Lab, and UNO Biomechanics Research Building, Gait Lab. Subjects will receive research stimulation patterns and the effect on PD motor symptoms will be assessed via Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS)-part III and gait measures. Videotaping of patient UPDRS-III testing and gait will be obtained.

Start: April 2021
Cognition and Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Parkinson's Disease, Effect of Positive Airway Pressure Therapy

Cognitive dysfunction (impaired memory, thinking, etc) frequently occurs in Parkinson's disease (PD), often progresses to dementia, and profoundly affects quality of life. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common disorder in the general population that is treatable with positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy. It is known to impair cognitive function, but whether treatment improves cognitive function is less clear. When already affected by a degenerative process like PD, the brain might be more vulnerable to the effects of OSA, and more responsive to OSA treatment. To date, OSA has not been recognized as a significant factor in PD. In preliminary work in PD patients, the investigators have found an association between OSA and poor cognition, and cognitive improvement with PAP therapy. The investigators now wish to more rigorously evaluate the effect of OSA treatment on cognitive function in PD in a randomized controlled trial. The investigators primary objective is to assess, in PD patients with OSA and cognitive deficit, the effect of OSA treatment on global cognitive function. The investigators will also assess other non-motor symptoms of PD, quality of life, and specific domains of neurocognitive function. PD patients will be recruited from the McGill Movement Disorders Clinic and other Quebec Parkinson Network Centres. Participants will need to have evidence of cognitive deficit and presence of OSA on screening diagnostic polysomnography (sleep study). Ninety subjects will be randomly assigned to PAP or nasal dilator strips. Detailed neuropsychological testing and other measurements (including quality of life) will be done at baseline, 3 months and 6 months. At the end of the study period, subjects will have polysomnography on their respective treatment to assess efficacy with respect to OSA treatment. This study may demonstrate that a non-pharmacologic intervention has the potential to have a marked beneficial impact on cognitive function and quality of life in a significant proportion of PD patients.

Start: April 2015
The Motor Network in Essential Tremor: Mechanisms of Therapy

Essential tremor (ET) is among the most common movement disorders, and is the most prevalent tremor disorder. It is a progressive, degenerative brain disorder that results in increasingly debilitating tremor, and afflicts an estimated 7 million people in the US (2.2% of the population) and estimates from population studies worldwide range from 0.4% to 6.3%. ET is directly linked to progressive functional impairment, social embarrassment, and even depression. Intention (kinetic) tremor of the arms occurs in approximately half of ET patients, and is typically a slow tremor (~5-10Hz) that occurs at the end of a purposeful movement, and is insidiously progressive over many years. Based on direct and indirect neurophysiological studies, it has been suggested that a pathological synchronous oscillation in a neuronal network involving the ventral intermediate nucleus (Vim) of the thalamus, the premotor (PM), primary motor (M1) cortices, and the cerebellum, may result in the production of ET. In spite of the numerous therapeutic modalities available, 65% of those suffering from upper limb tremor report serious difficulties during their daily lives. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has emerged as an effective treatment option for those suffering from medically refractory ET. The accepted target for ET DBS therapy is the Vim thalamus. Vim projects to PM, M1, and supplementary motor areas (SMA) and receives afferents from the ipsilateral cerebellum. Moreover, electrophysiological recordings from Vim during stereotactic surgery have identified "tremor cells" that synchronously discharge with oscillatory muscle activity during tremor. Clinical and computational findings indicate that DBS suppresses tremor by masking these "burst driver" inputs to the thalamus. The overall goal is to investigate the neural signatures of tremor generation in the thalamocortical network by recording data during DBS implantation surgery. Investigators will record data from the macroelectrode implanted in the Vim for DBS therapy, and through an additional 6-contact subdural cortical strip that will be placed on the hand motor cortical area temporarily through the same burr hole opened for the implantation of the DBS electrode.

Start: March 2016
Sensory Gating Measured With Microelectrode Recording (MER) During Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Surgery

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an FDA approved, and widely used method for treating the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD), Essential Tremor (ET), Dystonia and Obsessive Compulsive disorder (OCD). Over 100,000 patients worldwide have now been implanted with DBS devices. Current approved methods to locate the DBS target regions in the brain use a combination of stereotactic imaging techniques and measurements of the electrical activity of brain cells. As part of the standard clinical technique, electrical data are collected from individual nerve cells. The target brain region emits unique electrical signals. At certain brain locations, during DBS surgery, additional electrical data that are generated in response to sound will be collected. Regions of the brain that have a decreased response to repeated sound (auditory gating) may be important DBS targets for improving thinking. The aims are (i) during DBS surgery, in addition to EEG, use microelectrodes in the brain to find brain regions, along the normal path to the DBS target, where auditory gating occurs and then (ii) determine if stimulation of the identified region(s) alters auditory gating measured by EEG. Also an additional aim (iii) is to measure electrical activity at the scalp with EEG to characterize auditory gating in patients before and after DBS surgery and also a healthy control population.

Start: December 2014
Partnered Dance Aerobic Exercise as a Neuroprotective, Motor and Cognitive Intervention in Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a difficult to treat condition that impairs mobility and thinking. It is not fully treated by drugs and surgery. Two priority issues for most people with PD are "OFF-time" and Cognitive impairment. Even under best medical management, 74% of people with PD experience "OFF-time," which is when medications are just not working right. OFF-time severely impacts both quality of life and thinking. Cognitive problems are found even in newly diagnosed people with PD and are very difficult to treat. However, the investigators' research has shown that partnered dance-aerobic exercise (PDAE) reduces OFF-time on the official test for OFF-time of the Movement Disorders Society, the Movement Disorders Society Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale-IV, (MDS-UPDRS-IV). PDAE improves other symptoms too. Benefits of the therapy have lasted for at least one-month after PDAE sessions stopped. PDAE provides aerobic exercise during an improvisational, cognitively-engaging physical activity. Cognitive engagement is a critical component of PDAE. Previous research showed PDAE improved spatial cognition, the ability to navigate, to mentally picture shapes and paths in the mind and to know the relationships between objects, people and places. Also, the investigators showed with imaging of the brain using a magnet in a scanner that twice weekly PDAE training increases activity in brain regions used in thinking and decision making. The investigators know that exercise benefits mobility and cognitive problems. The investigators even think exercise might protect brain cells in people with PD. But no one has really been able to show with biomarkers that exercise is protective of brain cells in humans.

Start: January 2021