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62 active trials for Osteoarthritis Hip

Influence of Femoral Head Size During Total Hip Arthroplasty on Gait

Total hip replacement (THR) is being considered as one of the most effective medical procedures. Since its introduction, there was a worldwide debate over proper implant selection in terms of size, bearing type and shape. The diameter of used femoral heads components grew throughout the years - from 22 mm in the 1960s to 32 mm in the 2000s, which is the most commonly used size nowadays. In recent years there was a visible use of large femoral heads (>=36mm) in several registers. In the USA there was a significant grow in use of this heads rising from 1% in early 200s to even 58% in 2009. There is a strong evidence data and many researchers concerning range of movement, risk of dislocation, functional results, pain and prosthesis wear depending of femoral head size. In terms of gait characteristics there are several deviations reported concerning both patients with hip osteoarthritis and following THR. There is a lack of literature concerning influence of used implants on gait parameters and whether this goal of the surgery can be achieved. The aim of this study was to assess potential differences of lower limb biomechanics during gait in patients following total hip replacement surgery depending on femoral head diameter and compare them to the normal gait of healthy volunteers. As a secondary outcome authors wanted to inspect correlation between gait parameters and patient-reported outcome.

Start: January 2016
Mechanical Ventilation Based on Driving Pressure in Lateral Position

Previous studies showed that, best lung protective strategies of ventilation parameters are based on driving pressure in damaged lungs. But there are few studies concerning the effects of different positions during different types of surgery on driving pressure with normal lungs.So the investigators decided to compare mechanical ventilation based on driving pressure with conventional mechanical ventilation in patients with lateral decubitus position during total hip replacement surgery. The investigators hypothesised that, there will be better intraoperative hemodynamic and respiratory parameters with better early postoperative results in patients whom mechanical ventilation parameters are adjusted according to driving pressure. In this randomised, controlled, double blind study, 60 patients who will have total hip replacement surgery will be recruited to the study. 30 patients will be ventilated by 8 ml/kg tidal volume and 5 cmH20 PEEP, in conventional lung protective group. And the other 30 patients will be ventilated by 8 ml/kg tidal volume and PEEP level with the lowest driving pressure. The investigators primary goal in this study study is to compare the effects of conventional lung protective ventilation with ventilation based on driving pressure on hemodynamic and respiratory parameters. And secondly, the investigators aim to compare the effects of these two techniques s on early postoperative outcome. The investigators primary result parameters are intra operative fluid consumption, lactate, etC02 and mix venous oxygen saturation levels.The investigators secondary result parameters are postoperative mechanical ventilation, ICU stay and discharge times.

Start: August 2019
Chronic Pain, Couples, & Physical Activity

Chronic pain affects more than 50 million adults in the United States (Dahlhamer, Lucas, Zelaya, Nahin, Mackey, DeBar et al., 2018) and is estimated to cost the nation more than $560 billion dollars each year (Gaskin & Richard, 2012). Regular physical activity is widely recognized as essential for maintaining health for all individuals (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2018), but is particularly important for individuals with chronic pain (ICPs) as physical activity can prevent further deconditioning and may even improve pain outcomes (e.g., CDC, 2018). Previous literature has shown that certain categories of partner behaviors (e.g., solicitous, punishing, distracting) are associated with different health outcomes for ICPs (e.g., Cano, Leonard, & Johansen, 2006), and recently researchers have begun examining partner behaviors through the lens of Self-Determination Theory, specifically looking at the effects of autonomy support from a spouse on physical activity among ICPs (e.g., Uysal et al., 2017). Partner autonomy support has been positively associated with physical activity levels (Martire et al., 2013) and better health outcomes (Uysal et al., 2017), but no studies to date have explored what factors predict whether or not a partner will use an autonomy supportive interpersonal style (as opposed to a controlling interpersonal style) with the ICP. Similarly, more research is needed on the mechanisms by which autonomy support promotes positive outcomes for ICPs. Though receiving autonomy support has been linked to increased physical activity and improved mental health, no studies have yet tested the full Self-Determination Theory model as one possible explanation of the link between this form of partner support and desirable health outcomes. In particular, it is important to understand the ICP's perspective on how partner autonomy support influences need satisfaction and autonomous motivation as possible mediators between autonomy support and ICP physical activity. Furthermore, little research has explored other need supportive behaviors or their need frustrating counterparts. The current study will not only provide greater understanding of autonomy support, but will also expand the literature regarding these other need supportive and need thwarting behaviors. Lastly, given the value of need supportive behaviors from one's partner, it is essential to evaluate how partner perceptions of those need supportive behaviors align with ICP's perceptions of those behaviors. Any need support a partner provides is likely moderated by the ICP's perception of that support.

Start: April 2019