Characterization of the Pathogenesis of Primary and Secondary Lymphatic Disorders
Background: - Lymphatics are a type of vessel, similar to arteries and veins. Lymphatic disorders happen when these vessels don t work properly. Researchers want to look for a relationship between lymphatic disorders and variations of certain genes found in the lung, blood, and other places in the body. Objective: - To learn more about lymphatic disorders and evaluate how genetic factors affect lymphatic disorders. Eligibility: People ages 2 90 who have a lymphatic disorder or relatives of people with lymphatic disorders. Healthy volunteers 18 and older. Design: Participants may have 1 2 visits a year, or more as needed. The study is expected to last 5 years. Visits may last 1 5 days. Participants may have lab tests, medical history, and physical exam at each visit. Participants may have blood testing that includes genetics tests, and urine tests. They may have nose and throat cultures, saliva collection, and cheek swabs to collect samples. Participants may have a skin biopsy and have blood taken from an artery. Participants may have breathing tests and be studied while exercising. Participants may have an electrocardiogram. Electrodes will be placed on their chest, tracing heart rhythms. They may also have chest X-rays. Participants may have a bronchoscopy. A thin, flexible instrument will be passed through the nose or mouth, into the lung. A tissue sample will be taken. Participants who have lymphatic disease or have a relative with it may also have: CT scans. They will lie on a table and hold their breath while their chest is scanned. MRI. They will lie flat on a table that slides in and out of a scanner. ultrasound. A probe is rolled around outside the abdomen. removal of fluid around the lungs, chest, and abdomen.
Start: March 2015