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45 active trials for Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Implementation of Neuro Lung Protective Ventilation

Patients who experience lung injury are often placed on a ventilator to help them heal; however, if the ventilator volume settings are too high, it can cause additional lung injury. It is proven that using lower ventilator volume settings improves outcomes. In patients with acute brain injury, it is proven that maintaining a normal partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the arterial blood improves outcomes. Mechanical ventilator settings with higher volumes and higher breathing rates are sometimes required to maintain a normal partial pressure of carbon dioxide. These 2 goals of mechanical ventilation, using lower volumes to prevent additional lung injury but maintaining a normal partial pressure of carbon dioxide, are both important for patients with acute brain injury. The investigators have designed a computerized ventilator protocol in iCentra that matches the current standard of care for mechanical ventilation of patients with acute brain injury by targeting a normal partial pressure of carbon dioxide with the lowest ventilator volume required. This is a quality improvement study with the purpose of observing and measuring the effects of implementation of a standard of care mechanical ventilation protocol for patients with acute brain injury in the iCentra electronic medical record system at Intermountain Medical Center. We hypothesize that implementation of a standardized neuro lung protective ventilation protocol will be feasible, will achieve a target normal partial pressure of carbon dioxide, will decrease tidal volumes toward the target 6 mL/kg predicted body weight, and will improve outcomes.

Start: August 2017
PREvention of STroke in Intracerebral haemorrhaGE Survivors With Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common form of irregular heart rhythm. In people with AF, blood clots often form in the heart, which can travel to the brain. Blockage of brain arteries by these clots is a major cause of stroke. This type of stroke is called an ischaemic stroke and approximately 15% of all ischaemic strokes are caused by AF. People with AF are often prescribed a medication called an anticoagulant, which makes it less likely for blood clots to form and thus can prevent ischaemic strokes. However, anticoagulants also increase the risk of bleeding, so they are not suitable for everyone. Some people who have AF have had a different type of stroke which is caused by bleeding in the brain, an intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH). These people are at increased risk of suffering both an ischaemic stroke (due to AF) and another ICH. It is not known whether it is best for these people to take an anticoagulant medication or not, as previous research studies did not include this group of people. PREvention of STroke in Intracerebral haemorrhaGE survivors with Atrial Fibrillation (PRESTIGE-AF) is a research study on the best stroke prevention in people with atrial fibrillation (AF) who have recently had a bleeding in their brain, (ICH). This is a trial where half of the participants will take an anticoagulant medication, preventing blood clot formation, and half will not receive an anticoagulant. The direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) that will be used in this trial are all licenced for use in the United Kingdom and within the European Union (EU) to prevent strokes in people with AF. However, the current licence does not extend to use with people who have had an ICH because it has not been tested in this group with a randomised controlled trial. DOACs will be tested in ICH survivors with AF because previous research trials have shown that people are up to 50% less likely to have bleeding complications in the brain with DOACs than with Warfarin (another commonly used anticoagulant). The aim of PRESTIGE-AF is to answer the question of whether people with ICH and AF should take an anticoagulant medication or if it is better for them to avoid it.

Start: June 2019
Multimodal Neuromonitoring

Theoretical Framework & Background Cortical spreading depressions (CSD) and seizures, are crucial in the development of delayed cerebral ischemia and poor functional outcome in patients suffering from acute brain injuries such as subarachnoid hemorrhage. Multimodal neuromonitoring (MMNM) provides the unique possibility in the sedated and mechanically ventilated patients to record these electrophysiological phenomena and relate them to measures of cerebral ischemia and malperfusion. MMNM combines invasive (e.g. electrocorticography, cerebral microdialysis, brain tissue oxygenation) and noninvasive (e.g. neuroimaging, continuous EEG) techniques. Additionally, cerebral microdialysis can measure the unbound extracellular drug concentrations of sedatives, which potentially inhibit CSD and seizures in various degrees, beyond the blood-brain barrier without further interventions. Hypotheses Online multimodal neuromonitoring can accurately detect changes in neuronal metabolic demand and pathological neuronal bioelectrical changes in highly vulnerable brain tissue. Online multimodal neuromonitoring can accurately detect the impact of pathological neuronal bioelectrical changes on metabolic demand in highly vulnerable brain tissue. The occurrence and duration of pathological neuronal bioelectrical changes are dependent on sedatives and antiepileptic drug concentrations The occurrence and duration of pathological neuronal bioelectrical changes have a negative impact on functional and neurological long-term patient outcome. Simultaneous invasive and non-invasive multimodal neuromonitoring can identify a clear relationship of both methods regarding pathological neuronal bioelectrical changes and metabolic brain status. Methods Systematic analysis of MMNM measurements following standardized criteria and correlation of electrophysiological phenomena with cerebral metabolic changes in all included patients. In a second step neuroimaging, cerebral extracellular sedative drug concentrations and neurological functional outcome, will be correlated with both electrophysiologic and metabolic changes. Due to numerous high-resolution parameters, machine learning algorithms will be used to correlate comprehensive data on group and individual levels following a holistic approach. Level of originality Extensive, cutting edge diagnostic methods are used to get a better insight into the pathophysiology of electrophysiological and metabolic changes during the development of secondary brain damage. Due to the immense amount of high-resolution data, a computer-assisted evaluation will be applied to identify relationships in the development of secondary brain injury. For the first time systematic testing of several drug concentrations beyond the blood-brain barrier will be performed. With these combined methods, we will be able to develop new cerebroprotective treatment concepts on an individual basis.

Start: December 2020