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21 active trials for Hypothermia

The Effect of Forced Air Warming During Caseraen Section on Maternal Hypothermia: Randomized Controlled Trial

During the cesarean section; Hypothermia can be seen due to reasons such as anesthesia, premedication drugs, cold operating room environment, exposure of tissues and organs, and use of cold intravenous fluids. Hypothermia associated with cesarean may affect maternal and fetal health negatively. As a result of hypothermia, coagulopathy, infection, undesirable cardiac events that cause an increase in oxygen consumption, delay in postoperative recovery and wound healing, postoperative nausea and vomiting, chills and relief may be observed in the mother. Newborns born from hypothermic mothers have lower body temperature, pH and Apgar scores. It is important to evaluate all women in terms of risk factors in the preoperative period in the prevention of hypothermia and complications related to hypothermia. Prevention of hypothermia, which has negative effects on maternal and newborn health, is one of the risks that the nurse can address independently. Therefore, this research; In order to determine the effect of heating different body areas using compressed air heating technique during cesarean section on hypothermia, tremor, thermal comfort, postpartum comfort and maternal satisfaction, a parallel group was planned as a randomized controlled trial. The study is planned to be conducted in Hacettepe University Adult Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Department delivery room and obstetrics service. Research data, Introductory Information Form (Appendix 1), Obstetric and Postpartum Features Form (Appendix 2), Patient Monitoring Form (Appendix 3), Termal Comfort Perception Scale (Appendix 4), Shivering Level Diagnostic Form (Appendix 5), LATCH Breastfeeding The Diagnostic and Measurement Tool (Appendix 6) will be collected using the Visual Analogue Scale (Appendix 7) and the Thermal Comfort Scale that will be developed by the researchers. Pregnant women who meet the inclusion criteria will be included in the research. Women will be divided into 4 groups as the lower extremities are heated, the upper extremities are heated, the whole body is heated, and the control group. According to the group of women; It will be heated 30 minutes before surgery and 30 minutes after surgery with lower limb, upper limb or whole body. Women in the control group will not be heated.

Start: June 2021
PeRfusion Emergency VEiNlite Transillumination

When taking care of an emergency patient (Emergency Reception Service: UAS and Urgent Medical Assistance Service: SAMU), the installation of a peripheral venous route (VVP) is an important step. The benchmark method is the most widely used technique. This vascular access will allow the necessary therapy to be delivered quickly and efficiently. This can be difficult and sometimes doomed to failure for reasons related both to the patient (venous capital not very visible / felt or limited due to the profile of the patient), or sometimes also for reasons related to the patient. environment (limited lighting, difficult patient access). The only current alternatives lie in the use of a device such as the Intra-Bone Device (IID) or the installation of a central venous line. On the other hand, these alternatives are particularly invasive and / or very algogenic. There are other techniques, which are more affordable and "transportable" outside the hospital. Indeed, trans-illumination with a very short training seems to be a particularly interesting alternative. It allows, thanks to LEDs in contact with the skin, to backlight the superficial veins. It is proposed through this project to evaluate this tool for a category of patients considered "difficult" to infuse, both within hospital and outside hospital. The main objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness of the transillumination device, compared to the absence of such a device, on the placement of a peripheral venous line (PVP) in patients with a difficult vascular approach and managed in the emergency room and whose clinical condition does not require the installation of an intraosseous device. This is a multicenter, prospective, controlled, randomized and open clinical study, according to a cross-over design. The intervention evaluated is the placement of a PVR using the trans-illumination device. The control intervention is the placement of a PVR without this device, according to the reference method, which is the benchmark method. 400 patients presenting to the emergency room will be included in the centers of Nancy, Toul and Pont-à-Mousson. Depending on their randomization group, nurses will perform peripheral venous insertion by the transillumination method or by the control method.

Start: January 2021
Thermoregulation and Cognition During Cool Ambient Exposure in Tetraplegia

The ability to maintain normal core body temperature (Tcore = 98.6°F) is impaired in persons with a cervical spinal cord injury (tetraplegia). Despite the known deficits in the ability of persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) to maintain Tcore, and the effects of hypothermia to impair mental function in able-bodied (AB) persons, there has been no work to date addressing these issues in persons with tetraplegia. Primary Aim: To determine if exposure of up to 2 hours to cool temperatures (64°F) causes Tcore to decrease in persons with tetraplegia, and if that decrease is associated with a decrease in cognitive function. Primary Hypotheses: Based on our pilot data: (1) 66% of persons with tetraplegia and none of the matched controls will demonstrate a decline of 1.8°F in Tcore; (2) 80% of persons with tetraplegia and 30% of controls will have a decline of at least one T-score in Stroop Interference scores (a measure of executive function). Secondary Aim: To determine the change in: (1) distal skin temperature, (2) metabolic rate, and (3) thermal sensitivity. Secondary Hypothesis: Persons with tetraplegia will have less of a percent change in average distal skin temperatures and metabolic rate, and report lower thermal sensitivity ratings compared with AB controls. Tertiary Aim: To determine if a 10 mg dose of an approved blood pressure-raising medicine (midodrine hydrochloride) will (1) reduce the decrease in Tcore and (2) prevent or delay the decline in cognitive performance in the group with tetraplegia compared to the exact same procedures performed on the day with no medicine (Visit 1) in that same group. Tertiary Hypothesis: Through administering a one-time dose of midodrine, the medicine-induced decreased blood flow to the skin will lessen the decline in Tcore and prevent or delay the associated decline in cognitive performance compared to the changes in Tcore and cognitive performance during cool temperature exposure without midodrine in the same group with tetraplegia.

Start: April 2015