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47 active trials for Hip Osteoarthritis

Backwards Walking Programme Following Hip and Knee Arthroplasty

Backwards walking has been shown to improve balance and walking in patients who have knee Osteoarthritis. It is not known if these benefits may also be seen after surgery in patients who have had a hip or knee replacement because of Osteoarthritis. This study will look to see if it is possible to conduct a bigger study into how effective backwards walking may be after joint replacement. Patients who come to the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre in Oxford for a hip or knee replacement will be invited. They will be placed into one of two groups at random: a group where they have a course of physiotherapy plus a backwards walking programme or a group where they have a course of physiotherapy. The physiotherapy will last for 12 weeks and those who take part will have two study assessments. The first will be before any treatment and patients will complete five measures and also be issued with a simple tick box diary to complete over the 12 weeks. The second assessment will be after the treatment and will involve the same five measures and the diaries will be collected in. Participants at this assessment will also be asked if they would like to take part in an interview for the study. This is to see what the patients thought of the study. During the study the researcher will record things such as how many patients say 'yes' to the study and how many participants drop out of the treatment, to understand if a bigger study could take place.

Start: August 2020