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57 active trials for Endothelial Dysfunction

Effect of Transcutaneous Vagal Stimulation (TVS) on Endothelial Function in PAD

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) constitutes a major public health burden. The incidence of PAD increases with age and is associated with other comorbid cardiovascular disorders. Atherosclerosis which underlies PAD is associated with increased arterial stiffness and an enhanced inflammatory state as evidenced by increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and markers. One the earliest signs of cardiovascular disease is endothelial dysfunction which is characterized by a decreased vasodilatory capacity of the vascular endothelium and this lesion predates the development of clinical atherosclerosis. Endothelial dysfunction has been shown to be widely prevalent in PAD. It is postulated that endothelial dysfunction is due to enhanced sympathetic drive, diminished parasympathetic drive, chronic inflammatory state all of which leads to reduced nitric oxide synthase activity in the vascular endothelium with subsequent loss of vasodilatory capacity. Studies have shown endothelial dysfunction to be reversible with pharmaco-therapeutic interventions, though these interventions are associated with their own adverse effects. Stimulation of Vagal nerve increases the parasympathetic activity while suppressing sympathetic drive, decreases inflammation and enhancing nitric oxide synthase activity. Recent experimental and clinical data suggest that low-level tragus nerve stimulation (by stimulating the auricular branch of the vagus nerve located at the tragus of the external ear) may produce the same desired neuromodulator effect compared to vagus nerve stimulation. It is however unknown if Transcutaneous Vagal Stimulation (TVS) would lead to improved endothelial function as measured by flow mediated dilatation (FMD) and laser speckle contrast imaging(LSCI), a non-invasive method of measuring endothelial function or decrease in arterial stiffness as measured by Pulse Wave Analysis (PWA), in patients with PAD. The objective of this study is to determine the impact of TVS on endothelial dysfunction as measured by FMD & LSCI and arterial stiffness. Study population will include patients with established diagnosis of PAD. After performing baseline FMD, LSCI and PWA patients will be randomized to TVS and sham stimulation with cross over. The patient randomized to TVS stimulation will obtain stimulation for 1 hour followed by measurement of FMD,LSCI and PWA. There will be a washout period of at least 24 hours with patient crossing over to the other arms thus serving as their self-control.

Start: December 2017
Electronic Hookah and Endothelial Cell Function

Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) are a new rapidly growing global epidemic. More recently, electronic (e-) hookahs, have increased in popularity in the United States, with the greatest uptake by young female adults, who endorse marketing claims that these products are safer alternatives to traditional flavored hookah tobacco smoking. Unlike other ENDS such as e-cigarettes, e-hookah bowls are used through traditional water-pipes, allowing the vapor-containing nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerin, and flavorings-to pass through a water-filled basin, potentially altering the vapor, before it is inhaled through the user's mouth. Contributing to e-hookah bowls' popularity is the belief that the flavored smoke is detoxified as it passes through the water-filled basin, rendering e-hookah a safer tobacco alternative. However, an e-hookah bowl delivers flavored nicotine by creating a vapor of fine particles and volatile organic compounds that could induce vascular toxicity. The objective of this project is to investigate the effects of e-hookah bowl inhalation on endothelial function, vascular biomarkers and volatile compounds; and molecular mechanisms underlying e-hookah induced endothelial injury using freshly harvested human endothelial cells with a specific role of nicotine. In a cross-over study design, the investigators will first assess endothelial function measured by brachial artery flow-mediated dilation and markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in 18 young healthy hookah smokers 21-39 years old, before and after two separate 30-minute e-hookah bowl inhalation sessions using one brand of nicotine-containing and nicotine-free e-hookah liquid and, for control comparison, before and after sham hookah smoking. Then, in freshly harvested venous endothelial cells the investigators will assess nitric oxide bioavailability, and expression of markers of inflammation and oxidative stress before and after the sessions. To compare specific exposures across conditions, the research team will measure changes in plasma nicotine, and highly specific urinary mercapturic acid metabolites of acrolein and benzene. This proposed study will provide critical scientific data on the impact of e-hookah inhalation on vascular health and mechanisms of exposure on known cardiac risk factors. Results will provide critical data to the FDA to inform the development of regulations specific to hookah.

Start: November 2019
Microvascular Dysfunction in Obesity

Impaired endothelial function is observed in disease states related to obesity, such as atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, and diabetes. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and resultant oxidative stress contribute to the development of these obesity-related diseases. The enzyme NADPH-oxidase is a major source of oxidative stress within the vasculature, and has been linked with the Metabolic Syndrome. In the investigator's previously funded studies, the investigators demonstrated for the first time that: 1) in vivo ROS were elevated in skeletal muscle of obese as compared to lean or overweight human subjects, 2) perfusion of the NADPH-oxidase inhibitor apocynin locally into muscle normalized ROS levels and reversed local microvascular endothelial dysfunction in the obese individuals, and 3) aerobic exercise training was effective at attenuating in vivo hydrogen peroxide production and reversing microvascular endothelial dysfunction in the obese individuals. The investigators will investigate in this R15 renewal application the mechanism of exercise training-induced alterations in ROS production and action on endothelial dysfunction in obesity using our newly developed microdialysis methodology of monitoring ROS production, in combination with analysis of muscle biopsy samples obtained before and after our previously tested 8-week intervention of aerobic interval exercise training. The objectives of this study are to determine the impact of in vivo NADPH oxidase activity on endothelial function in obese individuals, and to determine the mechanism of training-induced improvements in endothelial function. The investigator's unique microdialysis methodology will allow monitoring of microvascular/endothelial function and ROS generation, as well as the administration of pharmacological agents directly into muscle. The central hypothesis is that it is upregulation of both mitochondrial ROS and NADPH oxidase-derived ROS that results in endothelial dysfunction in obesity, and that exercise training down-regulates mitochondrial-derived ROS, and NADPH oxidase 4, thereby improving endothelial function. The aims of this proposal are to: 1) determine the contributions of mitochondrial ROS and specific NADPH oxidase isoforms to the NADPH oxidase dependent endothelial dysfunction in skeletal muscle of obese individuals; 2) determine the mechanism of ROS reduction and improved endothelial function resulting from an 8-week aerobic interval training program.

Start: September 2019