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118 active trials for Breast Cancer - Female

Fruit and Vegetable Intervention in Lactating Women to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Mechanistic data show that compounds in fruits and vegetables have anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties that can reduce breast cancer risk. However, observational and interventional studies have provided mixed results, and a recent report by the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) concludes that the data are insufficient but suggestive that non-starchy vegetables and foods containing carotenoids reduce risk. Measurement error, relatively low levels of carotenoid-rich fruit and vegetable intake in the study populations, emphasis on diet in later adulthood, and confounding factors likely contribute to the weak associations. Therefore, the investigators will conduct a randomized diet intervention trial in young women to assess the extent to which at least 8 to 10 daily servings of deeply pigmented and nutrient dense fruits and vegetables reduces biomarkers of breast cancer risk. The intervention is focused on breastfeeding women because: 1) pregnancy and lactation are normal early life course events; 2) the risk of pregnancy-associated breast cancer (PABC) is increased for up to 10 years postpartum; 3) a dietary intervention to reverse the detrimental molecular changes associated with puberty and pregnancy is more likely to be successful in younger than in older women;4) a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is hypothesized to reduce the inflammation during lactation/weaning and lower PABC risk; 5) postpartum lactating women may be a highly motivated population; and 6) breastmilk provides access to the breast microenvironment and breast epithelial cells to non-invasively assess the diet intervention directly in the breast. Four hundred nursing mothers will be randomly assigned to either the intervention arm, in which they are asked to increase fruit and vegetable intake to at least 8 to 10 daily servings for one year, or to a control condition in which participants receive a dietary guideline for breastfeeding mothers. Women in the intervention arm will receive counseling and boxes of fruits and vegetables for the first 20 weeks, after which they will continue to receive counseling. Changes in DNA methylation and cytokine profiles in breastmilk will be evaluated. Maternal weight and body fat distribution, and infant growth will be monitored. These results will greatly expand our knowledge of how diet alters molecular pathways in a specific organ, ultimately contributing to both breast cancer etiology and prevention.

Start: October 2019
PRECAMA: Molecular Subtypes of Premenopausal Breast Cancer in Latin American Women

Breast cancer has become a major public health problem in Latin America, as it is the most common form of cancer among women. Women are more likely to develop breast cancer at younger age, and to be diagnosed at an advanced stage compared to western women. Over the past twenty years, the mortality from breast cancer in Latin America has also been increasing very rapidly, and is currently the leading cause of cancer mortality. Little is known on specific risk factors for premenopausal breast cancer in general, and in Latin America in particular. There is a lack of specific knowledge on tumor molecular and pathological characteristics of breast cancer in Latin America premenopausal women, and this has major consequences on cancer treatment and survival. To improve our understanding on determinants of breast cancer incidence and mortality in young Latin America women and support preventive actions, we implemented an international, population-based multi-center study in Latin America: the PRECAMA study (Molecular Subtypes of Premenopausal Breast Cancer in Latin American Women (PRECAMA): a multicenter population-based case-control study). PRECAMA is coordinated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), and is conducted within 4 Latin American countries: Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia and Chile. Major aims of the project are the following: To develop a multi-centric population-based case-control study on breast cancer in premenopausal women in several countries in Latin America with structured collection of individual, clinical, pathological information and biological specimens, according to strictly controlled protocols To characterize, in these populations, the subtypes of premenopausal breast cancer on the basis of their molecular and pathological phenotypes To improve the identification of specific endogenous/exogenous factors, and disentangle the interplay of these different factors with regard to breast tumor subtypes. Provide advanced training, induce a structuring effect on the breast cancer research community in Latin America and influence the public health agenda regarding the management of breast cancer. The results of our study will be of utmost importance to understand the etiology of breast cancer in Latin America countries, and would provide important information on the role of modifiable exposures for breast cancer prevention.

Start: October 2012